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Social Folk Roots of California Rock

Featuring Peter Rowan and the Rowan Brothers, Balfa and Schwarz, Pete Sears with Jorma Kaukonen, the Georgia Sea Island Singers, the David Nelson Band, and the Flying Other Brothers.

Download: Podcast 4: Social Folk Roots of California Rock

Peter Rowan and the Rowan Brothers: “Rye Whiskey”
David Nelson Band: “Humboldt County Hippie (Hippie from Olema)”
Balfa and Schwarz: “Dirt Farmer”
David Nelson Band: “The Poor Old Dirt Farmer”
Flying Other Brothers: “Constellation Rag”
Pete Sears with Jorma Kaukonen: “Meadway Rag”
Flying Other Brothers: “Take Me With You”
David Nelson Band: “Frankie and Johnny”
Georgia Sea Island Singers: “Hambone, Where You Been?”
Flying Other Brothers: “Clueless”

This episode explores the social folk roots of California rock music, with licensed rare and historical performances (hosted by Tony Bove of the Flying Other Brothers) — including whiskey songs, fiddle tunes, piano rags and primitive dance tunes.

See podcast episode commentary for more…