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The Flying Other Brothers



The Flying Other Brothers

(In photo order above) Bill Bennett, Tony Bove, Bert Keely, Larry and Corinne Marcus, Ann, Giles, and Roger McNamee, Jimmy Sanchez, Pete SearsBarry Sless, and G.E. Smith.

With musical friends…

T-Bone BurnettJack CasadyDavid GansMickey HartVince Herman and Leftover SalmonMark KaranJorma KaukonenLittle FeatCountry Joe McDonaldDavid Nelson, the Rowan Bros., and Bob Weir.


Flying Other Brothers Podcast

FOB_older_logo_web_home“Take a Drive”

(Tony Bove and Bert Keely)

Produced by T Bone Burnett, recorded Aug. 7, 2006 at Village Recorders in Santa Monica, CA.


“Nick of Time — Jam — Devil’s Kitchen” at the ChetFest

The Flying Other Brothers at ChetFest, the Tribute to Chet Helms, 7/29/06, S.F., performing “Nick of Time” and a jam that ends with “Devil’s Kitchen”. Featuring Pete Sears, Barry Sless, Jimmy Sanchez, Roger McNamee, Ann McNamee, Bert Keely, TBone Tony Bove, and Bill Bennett.

Country Joe and Flying Other Brothers, “Starship Ride” and “Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Rag” at the ChetFest

Country Joe McDonald and the Flying Other Brothers at ChetFest, the Tribute to Chet Helms, 7/29/06, S.F., performing Country Joe’s “Starship Ride” [Song info and lyrics] and “Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Rag”. Featuring Pete Sears, Barry Sless, Jimmy Sanchez, Roger McNamee, Ann McNamee, Bert Keely, TBone Tony Bove, and Bill Bennett.