The “Blue Album”, released in the aftermath of John Lennon’s murder, echoes the turmoil of the times as America swung to the right, and represents a musical transition from happier times to deeply blue circumstances.
All four Beatles were affected by the many twists and turns of popular music — from disco and funk to new wave and punk. The Beatles as solo artists no longer led the voyage into new waters. They were content to create smooth, well-crafted music with a healthy dose of back-to-the roots rock ’n’ roll and ballroom dancing.
In this fantasy, the remaining Beatles put together this album using some of Lennon’s songs from previous years along with some new ones, and saving other songs that Lennon had just finished (or partially finished) for a future album. Thus, Lennon songs from 1974 are combined with songs from 1980.
- Liner notes
- Other fantasy albums
- Previous:
Here are the sides in Apple Music/iTunes, and in Spotify:
Apple Music playlists:
Side 1 | Side 2 | Side 3 | Side 4 | Side 5 | Side 6
Spotify playlists:
Books by John Lennon (including lyrics and songbooks)